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Home / Ken Pettit / MouseInAMaze

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MIAMC.BA Mouse In A Maze (by Lloyd Johnson). This is a version I modified to work with AsciiPixels and also throw in a couple of cats. Tokenized BASIC. Must install AsciiPixels for this to work.
11.13 Kb
06.08.2024 16:38

Ken Pettit

MIAMC.DO Mouse In A Maze (by Lloyd Johnson). This is a version I modified to work with AsciiPixels and also throw in a couple of cats. ASCII Listing. Must install AsciiPixels for this to work.
12.37 Kb
06.08.2024 16:38

Ken Pettit

Total Space Used: 23.51 Kb

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Powered by PHP Advanced Transfer Manager v1.30 - @2002-2005 Andrea Bugada, Club100 Adaptation 2005 Ken Pettit
Last update April 26, 2021

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