25.06.2020 14:22
When in TEXT, you may find that you get sluggish text-entry performance with Ultrascreen active. A lot of times you might simply want to jot down your thoughts rapidly and having sluggish keyboard interaction can be quite distracting. This utility I've created does not do full-screen editing, but it does allow rapid appending of text to a .DO file and it makes use of Ultrascreen's 60x10 mode. [Updated 11/25/2007]
682 b
25.11.2007 06:15
This is a non-tokenized pure ASCII version of TXTADD.BA.
966 b
25.11.2007 06:15
BASIC loader for ASTRO.CO. This will show you the instructions for the game, and then load ASTRO.CO into memory using device "0:", which TS-DOS "DOS-ON" feature provides. If you have a different DOS that uses a different device name, you'll have to change line 50 as appropriate.
1.76 Kb
07.07.2020 08:20
This is a non-tokenized pure ASCII version of ASTRO.BA.
1.99 Kb
07.07.2020 08:22
| STAR16.CO |
This is the binary version of STAR16. Don't bother with STAR16.DO if you already have the means of loading this directly into your M100s memory from Desklink, TPDD, or NADSBox via TS-DOS or some other DOS capable of binary file loading.
4.77 Kb
16.06.2009 09:46
Ultrascreen100 was the most significant display enhancement ever to come along for the Model 100. It switches your display into a smaller font and gives you 60 columns by 10 lines. That's 600 characters you get on the screen at one time, versus the standard 320. Even more, the Ultrascreen100 software was *very* smoothly integrated with the machine. The Main menu is always in the standard 40x8 mode, but when you jump into BASIC, TEXT, or TELCOM, you automatically switch into the 60x10 mode. Compared to Travelling Software's View80, which only gives you a 60x8 screen and requires activation through an extra step in their ROM software, Ultrascreen100 was clearly the better choice. Ultrascreen100 originally was sold by Ultrasoft Innovations back in 1986. As of November 23, 2007, it has been released to the public for free-distribution. Many thanks to Daniel Born (author) and Richard Eckerlin (Ultrasoft) for allowing this to become a reality!
7.29 Kb
23.11.2007 10:04
BASIC loader for STAR16.CO. **UNTESTED** This file is gigantic. It would need to reside in your M100s memory only in tokenized .BA form (delete the .DO file before running!) and even then, you'll need to run it, then DELETE the .BA (or type NEW if it is only in the temporary space), and *THEN* type the 'SAVEM "STAR16.CO", 58048, 62930, 58048' command.
15.86 Kb
16.06.2009 10:21
"Asteroids" style game for the TRS-80 Model 100 and Tandy 102. This was originally provided with the Booster Pak on rom, but it has now been extracted and made available to anyone who has a modern ROM-based disk operating system like TS-DOS.
This requires the BASIC loader. It cannot exist as a .CO file in the M100's file system! It *must* be loaded using your DOS directly into high RAM, which is what ASTRO.BA does.
16.01 Kb
07.07.2020 08:22
| BP1ROM_Fixed.bin |
This is the Booster Pak v1.23 "BP1" main system ROM image which includes the multi-page file display bug fix. With the original ROM, if you have more than two pages of files to display, you would only ever be able to see the second page of files when pressing shift-down. The third page of files or beyond was inaccessible due to a limitation in Traveling Software's TPDD client. Well, with this replacement BP1 system ROM image, the limitation is gone!
The bug fix was originally made available in Ken Pettit's release of the TS-DOS 4.10 option ROM. This fix has been extended to all RAM versions of TS-DOS, as well as the SARDOS option ROM. And now, it is available for the "Disk" client that is in your Booster Pak's system ROM.
Just burn this image to a standard 27C256 EPROM and replace your Booster Pak's "BP1" chip which would be all the way on the bottom-right side of your Booster Pak's sockets.
32 Kb
14.07.2020 03:35
CLOCK2 v1.1 for the TRS-80 Model 100, Tandy 102, and NEC PC-8201A/8300. What started as just an NEC conversion of Club100's CLOCK2.BA for the M100 has turned into a new release for all platforms. Everything in this ZIP file is also present in the CLOCK2 folder, for viewing and downloading of the individual pieces.
43.37 Kb
25.06.2020 08:31
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