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Home / Tom Fitzpatrick

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Digtim.txt DIGTIM.BA in viewable plain text. (The library file viewer corrupts the graphics characters, but if you click on the download icon it'll save correctly)
2.25 Kb
05.02.2007 18:40

Tom Fitzpatrick Big digit digital clock, count up and count down timer. Handy around the kitchen. Bottom menu line turns off for clean display. In binary .BA format, so it can be used with Desklink without any conversion.
1.75 Kb
05.02.2007 18:40

Tom Fitzpatrick Smaller, clock-only version of DIGTIM.BA. Nice digital clock for the living room or den bookshelf, or as an IPL auto start program. Press any key to exit to the M100 main menu.
1.08 Kb
05.02.2007 18:40

Tom Fitzpatrick

Digclk.txt DIGCLK.BA in viewable plain text. (The library file viewer corrupts the graphics characters, but if you click on the download icon it'll save correctly)
2.72 Kb
05.02.2007 18:40

Tom Fitzpatrick

Total Space Used: 7.81 Kb

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Last update April 26, 2021

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